Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

I spent the last waning moments of 2008 at a Holy Mass at the Bishop's Cathedral.  I couldn't think of a better Person to spend that moment with than Our Lord Jesus Christ.  

I think it is great to come up with resolutions.  Some of my personal ones include losing weight, and eating healthier.  But more importantly I want to work on my spiritual life.  I'm trying for Daily Mass, Daily Hour of Adoration, and a special Novena prayer to the Holy Spirit.  I think it's important that if I want a better relationship with Jesus, I need to spend more time with Him.  I also told the Lord a few more ideas I have planned for 2009.   I couldn't help but think that the Lord was laughing at my plans.  Ultimately it's all up to Him.  But I feel 2009 will be a special year.  I gave it all to Him.  Lord Jesus do with me what Thou wilt for this coming year.

The Catholic Church celebrates Mary, the Mother of God today.  If any one can show us how to become more intimate with Jesus, it's His Mom.  It's a great way to start the New Year.  I attended the Mass in Extraordinary Form today.  It was  Latin High Mass, and so profoundly beautiful, I cannot even think of words to describe It.

Happy New Year!

I'm off for a weekend trip.  I'll get back to posting as soon as I can.

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